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What is it?

It was set up in 1990, following the enactment of Law no. 470 of 27 October 1988 ("Anagrafe e censimento degli italiani all'estero") and its implementing regulation, Presidential Decree no. 323 of 6 September 1989. AIRE contains the data of citizens who have voluntarily declared, in accordance with art. 6 of the aforementioned Law no. 470/1988, that they intend to reside abroad for a period of time exceeding twelve months, or for whom such residence has been ascertained ex officio".

The municipalities are the only ones responsible for the regular maintenance of the population registry, both for those resident in Italy and those resident abroad. Each municipality has its own AIRE. There is also the national AIRE, established at the Ministry of the Interior - Department for Internal and Territorial Affairs - which contains the data transmitted by the municipal registry offices. In addition to the personal data, the central AIRE also records the indication of the citizen's registration in the electoral rolls of the municipality of AIRE registration. The individual municipalities send the data to the central AIRE, via web-mail, using a security system and a special computer procedure, which allows a direct update of the data themselves.

Registration with AIRE gives Italian citizens the possibility to use consular services, to :

- obtain certificates/documents from both the municipality of AIRE registration and the relevant consular office,
- exercise the right to vote abroad.


Registering with AIRE is a requirement of the law establishing AIRE in the following cases:

- if you are an Italian citizen and you intend to move your residence abroad for a period exceeding twelve months. According to art 43 of the Civil Code, residence is the place of habitual abode, that is, the place where family, work and social life usually takes place;

- if you are an Italian citizen born abroad and have always resided outside Italian territory;

- if you acquire Italian citizenship abroad.


Article 1, paragraphs 8 and 9, of Law n. 470/1988, identifies the categories of persons not subject to registration in the registry of Italian citizens residing abroad

- Italian citizens who go abroad for reasons of limited duration not exceeding twelve months;

- Citizens traveling abroad for seasonal employment;

- Permanent State employees serving abroad and persons living with them, who have been notified to the local authorities in accordance with the Vienna Conventions on diplomatic and consular relations of 1961 and 1963 respectively, ratified by Law no. 804 of 9 August 1967.

- with MIACEL Circular no. 20 of December 17, 2001, the exemption from the obligation to register with AIRE was extended, by way of interpretation, also to military personnel serving in NATO offices and facilities.


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