The idea of creating an observatory or a study center dedicated to the socio-economic, cultural, and business issues of Italians registered in the AIRE (Registry of Italians Residing Abroad) is very interesting and useful for better understanding the needs and dynamics of this Italian community abroad. This observatory could be a valuable resource for gathering data, analyzing trends, and promoting a greater understanding of the challenges and opportunities that Italians abroad face.
Targets & Functions
In essence, an observatory or study center focusing on socio-economic, cultural, and business themes concerning Italians registered in the AIRE can play a crucial role in understanding and supporting the Italian community abroad. It can promote Italian culture and contribute to developing strategies and initiatives to enhance the quality of life and well-being of these citizens worldwide.
As AIRE SOS, we have around 40 ambassadors globally ready to work on data collection. Additionally, we have a partnership with an important association for businesses abroad for company-related data, and institutional data available internationally. What we are seeking is a university partner or research center to finalize the entire project idea.