Being able to vote is a fundamental right of every citizen that can be exercised only and only if the citizen RECEIVES THE ELECTORAL BALLOT.
A number of Italians around the world cannot vote in the 2022 general election because they HAVE NOT RECEIVED, at their AIRE residence address, the ballot envelope.
If you are among those who did NOT receive the envelope to vote leave your information, together we can make a difference.
The following are the provisions of the law that can be found at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website )
Voting abroad
(Office of Reference: D.G.IT. – Office II)Italian citizens residing abroad and duly registered with AIRE may exercise their right to vote abroad in their place of residence for national political elections, for abrogative and constitutional referendums under Articles 75 and 138 of the Constitution, and for elections to the European Parliament. Voting abroad for national political elections and referendums is regulated by Law No. 459 of December 27, 2001, and its implementing regulation (Presidential Decree No. 104 of April 2, 2003), implementing Articles 48, 56 and 57 of the Constitution, which established the Overseas Constituency. Law No. 52 of May 6, 2015, (the so-called “Italicum”) established that citizens temporarily abroad for a period of at least three months for work, study or medical treatment may also request their municipality to vote abroad by mail. The provision will take effect for the election of the Chamber of Deputies as of July 1, 2016, while it is in effect immediately for any referendum after the effective date of the law (May 23, 2015).
Voting abroad for the election of Italian representatives to the European Parliament, on the other hand, is regulated by Law No. 18 of January 24, 1979 and Decree-Law No. 408 of June 24, 1994 (converted into Law No. 483 of August 3, 1994).
Italian voters residing abroad and regularly registered with AIRE can also vote for the election of representatives of COMITES – Committees of Italians Abroad (Law No. 286 of October 23, 2003).