Indirect Assistance Through Assistance Bodies and Associations

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(Office of Reference: D.G.IT. – OFFICE I)

Considering that the needs of compatriots in need can vary enormously in the various geographical areas and from country to country in the same area, the forms of assistance interventions are also susceptible to variation.
In particular, where situations of poverty are most acute, the objective is to operate - albeit within the limits of the resources made available in the form of state subsidies - so that the welfare bodies and associations located throughout the district can act, through initiatives complementary to the interventions of the Representations, thus avoiding duplication and overlapping of interventions,  as an embryo of a welfare "network", aimed above all at supporting compatriots in serious need, often elderly, but also people of working age with health or with dependent children.

The main types of intervention envisaged by the reference legislation are:

  • the provision of subsidies for subsistence;
  • the distribution of basic necessities and meals, also through the provision of food tickets;
  • the distribution of medicines, possibly through agreements with pharmacies;
  • health, social or legal assistance in free or semi-free form, also through the payment of services provided by entities managing hospitals, nursing homes, rest homes for the elderly or therapeutic communities.
  • the realization of initiatives involving the assisted during the main holidays (Christmas and Easter, but also national ones), such as the distribution of gift packages or the organization of charity lunches or dinners.

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