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- Create Date 16/01/2024
- Last Updated 16/01/2024
(Reference Office: D.G.IT. - OFFICES I and IV)
The consular office can provide theItalian citizen permanently residing in his/her consular district, registered with AIREand who is in a situation of proven poverty asubsidy. The granting of the subsidy is absolutely exceptionaland takes place compatibly with the available funds recorded in the budget.
Al Italian citizen temporarily abroad and resident in Italy or in another consular district, who is facing unforeseen economic difficultiesand who cannot make use of the help of family members or third parties(for example through companies authorized to transfer cash), aloan, which the interested party undertakes to return to the Treasury within 90 days. The granting of the loan is subject to verification of the condition of economic difficulty of the compatriot and the impossibility of providing for it by the family members required by law (art. 433 of the civil code).